Humane Health

Humane Health provides health care to both refugee and host communities in Uganda. We also carry out health education initiatives to strengthen the ability of communities to prevent disease.

Our work is in line with UN’s SDG 2: Ensure healthy lives and promote well being for all at all ages as well as SDG 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

Uganda hosts more than 1.1 million refugees in various settlements mainly in the North and Western parts of the country. More than 80% of the refugees living in Uganda come from South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Fleeing conflict situations in their home countries, refugees arrive in Uganda traumatised, weak and prone to disease. A large proportion of the refugee population is women and children who have often traveled alone.

The diseases most commonly dealt with include malaria, respiratory tract diseases, diarrhoea, and skin infections.

The rainy seasons escalate incidences of water-borne diseases. Cholera has been prevalent in sections of the refugee settlements.

To combat this, Humane Health supports the communities in ensuring the availability of hand washing facilities. We also run awareness campaigns to pass on knowledge regarding hygiene and sanitation.

Food insecurity introduces the risk of malnutrition and generally worsens the health situation. Through training the communities in farming skills,  as well as providing other support to improve livelihoods, Humane Africa Mission seeks to reduce food insecurity..

Humane Health also works with local community health centres through Uganda’s Ministry of Health.

As a priority in our efforts against the HIV and AIDS pandemic, we collaborate with District Health Officers to provide Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) services in health centres.

Our work is in line with the Uganda National Integrated Health Response Plan for Refugee and Host Communities. We also work as implementing partners for international NGOs and government aid agencies.